





A scaled business is an intelligent business

Scaling a business is taking a strategic approach to optimising the business so that exponential returns are achieved with fewer resources



minimum of

A $10M icon which signifies that amount of savings you an achieve with business scaling

in COST savings

as a result of

process improvement

increase of

A 70% icon that shows the increase in collaboration after scaling your business

in collaboration

as a result of

a focused strategy

minimum of

A 20% icon that represents the increase in leader and team capacity as a result of scaling your business

increase in leader

and team capacity

as a result of



A 33% icon representing the increase in knowledge sharing after scaling your business

increase in seamless knowledge sharing as a result of information project

average of

A 2.5x multiplier icon that shows how the scaling multiple you can achieve after scaling your business

scaling multiple

achieved in

12 months




A light bulb icon that signifies your business scaling journey as it starts with understanding your business

Our Journey starts with understanding you and the business.

Listening icon that shows the important of  diagnosing the cause of the challenges in scaling your business

We listen so we can diagnose the cause of the challenges.

Ideas and design solutions icon used in scaling your business

We pair our methodology with the circumstances to design a solution.

Process and steps icons to create pathways in scaling your business

We create the pathway to show how it works.

A check list and a bullseye icon showing how you can achieve your business scaling ambition

We execute the plan collaboratively and achieve the outcomes.

A meter and graph that shows how much you can achieve with Intent as your business scaling partner

Judge us on our performance.

Business Scaling Strategy

Choose Intent Scaling to be your trusted partner in business growth and transformation. As a leading business improvement consultancy, using our proprietary scaling up business model, we enable you to scale up rapidly and easily.

With an intentional focus on business scaling strategy, which is one of the key components of your success, and the second being implementation, we are certain this will result in your scaling ambition being realised.

At Intent Scaling, we understand that scaling up a business requires an intentional approach. There is a method to achieve greatness within your business. We believe everyone should have access to effective frameworks and important lessons to support business growth. Our team are happy to openly share our approach to scale with you. Let's begin.

As a business solutions consultant, our first advice is to approach the challenges of your business with systems thinking. By this we mean, if for example efficiency is the thing you are trying to solve, and your instinct is to deploy a digital transformation, know that this is a significant component of the solution, but it is not the entire solution.

Systems thinking in this context would encourage you to consider 'what else drives efficiency?'. Utilising the multiple answers to this question, is how the holistic solution should be built for sustainable results.

The next lesson is about engineering your success. Our design management consultancy has the perspective that to be exceptional, it starts from a brilliant design. It is no surprise that Apple is one of the most scaled companies in the world. At the heart of their triumphant performance over decades is their ability to design things beautifully for their customers. Design every aspect of your business as if you are intending on re-engineering it. From this process you pick the best of the output and implement the most important items that will bring prosperity now.

A reason to consider Intent when looking for a strategic impact consulting or strategy execution consulting practice is our efficacy. We don't believe in payment for service only, not in the context of scaling anyways, we believe you should be able to expect outcomes for your investment. This third lesson: 'be focused on achieving outcomes', should be applied in all aspects of business growth and transformation. Imagine what progress would be made towards the ambition or OKRs, if everything your organisation did had an outcome you desired. Don't settle for anything less, it is possible right now.

Make a decision to only work with people and partners that embody this as their ethos.

The final piece of advice is: 'to achieve outcomes, you need to be brilliant at implementation'. If we are all honest with ourselves, the reality is that every organisation could find exponential benefit from improved execution capability. It is a simple decision really!

Improve how you implement things and the things you implement will improve your business.

So don't look for just any project management consulting firm, not all project managers are effective at implementation (contrary to popular belief). If they were, we wouldn't have so many cases of failed initiatives. You must uplift your internal implementation capability if you want to make scaling a business an easy and rapid process.

At Intent we are IMPLEMENTERS first and foremost. Whether you have an existing business scaling strategy or we co-create one with you, once implemented your ambition will be a reality!

A scaled business is an intelligent business

Scaling is taking a strategic approach to optimising the business so that exponential returns are achieved with fewer resources.



minimum of

in COST savings

as a result of

process improvement

increase of

in collaboration

as a result of

a focused strategy

minimum of

increase in leader

and team capacity

as a result of



increase in seamless knowledge sharing

as a result of

information project

average of

scaling multiple

achieved in

12 months




Our Journey starts with understanding you and the business.

We listen so we can diagnose the cause of the challenges.

We pair our methodology with the circumstances to design a solution.

We create the pathway to show how it works.

We execute the plan collaboratively and achieve the outcomes.

Judge us on our performance.

Choose Your Approach

Scaling Ambition


45 Minute workshop

Facilitated by a Scaling Consultant

Scaling Ambition document output

Post-session support phone call

Scaling Diagnostics

Time taken to complete: 10-20 min

Digital self


Receive a report instantly

Option to discuss the results with a Scaling Consultant



Curated digital modules delivered monthly for 12 months

Self-paced digitally guided program for scaling your business with proven methods and frameworks

Access to

Scaling Consultants

Member of the Intent community



Priced on enquiry

Half-day or full-day workshop

Align leadership through live scale solutioning

Personalised scaling pathway document

Solution the business's scaling challenges & opportunities



Priced on



Deliverables & Outcomes

Business scaling through our experts and Scaling Model

Access to Intent diagnostics and frameworks

Member of the Intent community



Priced on


Defined outcome delivered to scoped

Bespoke to the business's needs

Outcomes are measured and optimised until realised

Member of the Intent community

Choose Your Approach

Scaling Ambition


45 Minute workshop

Facilitated by a Scaling Consultant

Scaling Ambition document output

Post-session support phone call

Scaling Diagnostics

From $149

Time taken to complete: 10-20 min

Digital self assessment

Receive a report instantly

Option to discuss the results with a Scaling Consultant




Curated modules delivered monthly for 12 months

Self-paced digitally guided program for scaling your business with proven methods and frameworks

Access to

Scaling Consultants

Member of the Intent community



Priced on


Half-day or full-day workshop

Align leadership through live scale solutioning

Personalised scaling pathway document

Solution the business's scaling challenges & opportunities



Priced on



Deliverables & Outcomes

Business scaling through our experts and Scaling Model

Access to Intent diagnostics and frameworks

Member of the Intent community



Priced on


Defined outcome delivered to scoped

Bespoke to the business's needs

Outcomes are measured and optimised until realised

Member of the Intent community

Who We Serve

Working With Us


Define the business scaling ambition. Know where you want to go and establish the scaling strategy to get you there.


Diagnose your scaling gaps. Understand the behaviours that create unnecessary business scaling challenges for you.


Do (execute) the plans created to achieve the business scaling ambition. Embed strategic execution within the nature of your organisation.


Use data to check your performance. Measure before and after so that there is evidence based measures to test the approach is working.

Driven By Our Purpose

"Opportunity for Humans"

We are driven to uplift people to propel their lives and fulfil their purpose; so that they choose to positively impact humanity.

We believe the best way we can uplift is by giving people as many opportunities as we can.

By scaling a business, we believe it creates opportunities such as: financial freedom; improved wellbeing; personal fulfilment; time back and positive progress in society.

Driven By Our Purpose

"Opportunity for Humans"

We are driven to uplift people to propel their lives and fulfil their purpose; so that they choose to positively impact humanity.

We believe the best way we can uplift is by giving people as many opportunities as we can.

By scaling a business, we believe it creates opportunities such as: financial freedom; improved wellbeing; personal fulfilment; time back and positive progress in society.

Follow Us


Uncover how scaleable your Organisation

is currently with our free diagnostic.


Book in a complimentary workshop to define your scaling ambition and decipher a specific scaling challenge with us.

Contact Us


  • (03) 9544 4494 | 0421 089 979

  • Level 2, 700 Swanston St, Carlton VIC 3053

© Copyright 2024. Intent Scale Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.